If we can learn to stand up for others, and stand with every human being who is at a disadvantage or being taken advantage of, then we can hope for a world of justice where no one has to live in apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other. In the end, every one of us benefits. Otherwise, all of us will live in fear of the other. We are all in this together, we are one world and we have to work for it.
It is the same idea repeated and revived by several great reformers of the world including but not limited to Zarathustra, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, Nanak, Bahaullah, Gandhi, MLK and others.
Chief Seattle, a Native American said this perfectly, “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the webs, he does it to himself.”
I hope to complete the list of work that I have done, however small it might be for people other than my own niche. I was asked by several friends to do this to inspire others to open up and do it.
Holocaust and the Muslim Guy
Commemorating Holocaust for the first time
Dealing with Holocaust
Speaker on Israel issues
http://israel-palestine-dialogue.blogspot.com/2014/12/speaker-on-israel-mike-ghouse.htmlAbout Israel and Palestine
What inspires me to be involved in the Israel Palestine conflict? The following is the story of my struggle to see a cohesive world, the story will take you through different emotions but at the end, I hope you feel a sense of completeness of the story. Due to its length, it is a three part article. http://israel-palestine-dialogue.blogspot.com/2012/02/about-israel-palestine.html
Israel Palestine Dialogue
If you do not have an open mind and unwilling to see another point of view, this site is not for you. On this site, we welcome every point of view, you can express it in the comment section.I believe the Israel Palestine conflict is the mother of most of the conflicts in the world, if we can find solutions, world will see pace, Jews will live in security and the Justice to the Palestinians. www.IsraelPalestineDialouge.com
Muslim Holocaust commemoration
Perhaps it was for the first time in our history, that Muslims took the initiative to commemorate Holocaust. It was a fulfillment of my childhood dream, completing an incomplete story. http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Images_HolocaustDay/HMD2006_ProgramReport.asp
Annual Reflections on Holocaust and Genocides
Education was the purpose; we have to learn, acknowledge and reflect upon the terrible things we have inflicted upon each other, and we have to understand that our safety and security hinges on the safety of all others around us.There is a shameless cruelty in us, either we shy away or refuse to acknowledge the sufferings of others, worrying that it will devalue our own or somehow it amounts to infidelity to our own cause.
Radio Show on Judaism
As a part of knowing each other and learning about each other, for the sake of creating cohesive societies, I did over 500 hours of Talk show radio on religion, wisdom of religion all the beautiful religions. Rabbi Haas of Temple Shalom and I did a 25 hours talk on Judaism from 2004-2006. http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Articles/Religious-tolerance-in-action-DallasNews-December2004.asp
Workshop on Judaism
As a part of knowing Everything you wanted to know about the Judaism, you can learn about it in this workshop. As with all faiths, non-Clarity, myths and mis-information are part of Judaism as well. Please come prepared with questions, we would like you to walk out of the workshop with a greater understanding of Judaism. Dr. Howard Cohen is a student of his own tradition and history, a student of the early. http://wisdomofreligion.blogspot.com/2007/07/understandign-judaism.html
Anti-Circumcision Bill and a Muslim’s takeCalling it Male Genital Mutilation is going too far, it shows utter disregard for enduring religious traditions of Jews, Muslims and others comprising nearly a fourth of humanity. Mind you, it is not a practice of a vanishing cult that is here today and gone tomorrow.
Standing up for Jews, Gays and Lesbians
Pastor Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka is staging a protest against Jews, gays, lesbians and Mexicans. We need to be unselfish to serve our selfish interests. Here is an opportunity for you to stand up for the rights of others and perhaps find a purpose in life to stand up for the rights of others.
Israel and Palestine moving forward – 1My father is my hero and had opened the doors of wisdom to me. He taught one of the biggest lessons of my life in social cohesiveness and dealing with extremism that I continue to reflect in my speeches, acts and write ups. I wish every father in India, America and elsewhere teaches this lesson to his kids. He told us the “individuals” were responsible for the bloodshed and not the religions; he would emphasize that you cannot blame an intangible like religion and expect justice, we must blame the individuals who caused it and punish them accordingly for disturbing the peace and thus bring a resolution to the conflict by serving justice. He was crystal clear: You cannot annihilate, kill, hang or beat the religion, so why bark at it?
Commitment to Israel – 2Israel’s security, and justice to the Palestinians are directly proportional to each other. Hundred percent security for Israel comes with 100 percent justice to the Palestinians. A majority of people in the conflict understand this, but the leadership runs aground with short sighted false perceptions.
Commitment to Israel -3He is a genuine hero to both the people, as he stopped the blood feud and had them look to each other as collaborators of peace. That is one less conflict between Egypt and Israel. When I put the review of his book on my website, one of my Jewish friends, who had collaborated with me on several issues boycotted me. He would not return my calls or emails. One day, I ran into him in a Synagogue, and begged him to
Pictures from Fred Phelps Demonstration
Religious Hostilities across the world
Israel’s fake supporters
With the exception of Ron Paul, the Republican candidates compete in licking the boots of Netanyahu instead of the people of Israel, the Israelis care less about their duplicity. They would support someone who delivers durable peace, the likes of Egypt and Jordan. Israelis are willing to swallow the bitter pill for the sake of peace, Netanyahu and our war monger candidates need to listen to them.
Middle East Peace Initiative
It was my trip to Israel and Palestine and giving a talk on Pluralism at the Dan Jerusalem Hotel. Visited holy places of Bahai, Christian, Druze, Jews and Muslims.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeghouse/sets/72157624709053713/ ….
President Obama blows the opportunity for Israel and Palestine
It is a video appealing to the President to vote for the Palestinian statehood, as a good step forward to bring security to Jews and justice to the Palestinians
Israel Iran conflict is Ahmedinejad Netanyahu conflict
A survey was conducted where a majority of the Israelis are opposed to the war mongering, it sounds more like a war of words between these two men, who have no hesitation in getting the Israeli and the Iranians killed to please their predictions and egos.
Pluralism prayers
Through out my last twenty years, I have included every religious tradition in my prayers.
Responding to Ahmedinejad
When we heard that he had denied the Holocaust, we jumped, about 30 some Muslims in Dallas wrote to Dallas Morning News protesting his claim. It him the looney, but not the Muslims. http://www.foundationforpluralism.com/Images_Press/holocaust_dallasmorningnews_lettertopoints.htm
UN Resolution
The resolution that was the beginning of our Annual event on Holocaust commemoration.
The necessity for a Dialogue between Jews and Muslims.
This is a painful story about Muslims and Jews stereotyping each other, and also the deliberate spread of false information against Muslims. It has caused a lot of heartaches, but only to those who were not truthful.
A tribute to my Mother
In this write up, how my mother had inspired me to learn and to study, and also the cause for me to commemorate the Holocaust event.
Additional items not referenced above:
A tribute to the Jewish Community
As a Muslim, I wanted to appreciate their relentless pursuit of pluralism by the Jewish community to have kept the state and church untied. It is one of the main reason for our nation to have a strong democracy and pluralism and vanishing persecution of people who are not Christians. Jewish community was recognized in this annual event.
A tribute to Elliott Dlin, Executive Director of Dallas Holocaust Musuem
Yom Hashoah at the Temple Emanu-El
Muslims Condemn display of hate at Holocaust Museum
Yom HaShoah and Yom Milaad
Stereotyping Muslims and Jews
Extinguishing Hoaxes
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israelism
An Apology to Jews, Christians and others
Americans condemn the attacks on Rabbi Lerner
Understanding Judaism
Committed to building a cohesive America
The Star of David
If you look at the logo of the Foundation for Pluralism below, you will see the star of David on the top. Texas Jewish post was delighted and wrote about it. However, they have taken it off from their site. The story is some one in Sweden responded my call to create a logo and I gave him a sketch of what I want. He drew the logo and I shared the draft with a few friends – My Hindu friends said, the Hindu symbol should be on the top, as it is the oldest religion and my Zoroastrians friends claimed the same, then my Muslim friends were not happy that Islamic symbol is not on the top… I told them all, that it was a random placement and I will not change it, if I do that, then I would be giving a deliberate priority to one over the other and it amounted to sheer bias and I will not do that. A few still gripe about it, but it is history now.

It has not been easy
Maria Atria of Fox News had talked to me about the difficulty in bringing different communities together and the harassment and difficulties I had encountered… it will be all in the book coming up in June this year.
Courtesy: http://standingupforothers.blogspot.com/2012/02/standing-up-with-jews.html