Humanity Above Faith

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Helping. hand Foundation, Hyderabad 

A 23 year old young man from Kolkata(WB), expired this morning at Osmania Hospital due to some complications of the pancreas. Our Volunteers in OGH, found her mother & sister profusely crying and trying to collect money for his last rites. *HHF* team got into action, completed all formalities at the hospital, made arrangements at the  *Panjagutta Shamshan* and moved the body in our ambulance to perform the last rites. Further, we have moved the inconsolable mother and sister to our shelter home to keep them safely there, as they are threatening to *end their life* in sheer despair due to this sudden tragedy. The young man had secured a govt job and was the sole bread – earner for the family of three.
Thank you 

Mike Ghouse, President Center for pluralism
https://centerforpluralism.comWashington DC(214) 325-1916

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