Muslim Women in Ranchi Lead Efforts In Providing Relief For Migrant, Daily Workers Amid Lockdown

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People standing in queue to receive food kits donated by Farzana Faruqui

Amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown, migrant and daily wage workers have faced tremendous hardships to meet their needs. While the government has rolled out policies and plans to help the workers, citizens and activists have also come in rescue. correspondent Naazish Hussian reports from Ranchi on the response by Muslim women towards the plight of workers.


Indumati Shalini Soreng alais Nazia, is a 45-year-old homemaker who has written four poems on migrant workers highlighting their plight. The poems talk about the helplessness of workers. After the recent train tragedy in which migrant workers got killed, Indu Nazia penned a hard-hitting poem under the title ‘Mujhey Kuch Kehna Hai’ highlighting the failures of the institutions meant to provide relief to the workers.


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